Some days even in the deepest of prayer, it's hard to sense God's presence. For some reason for usually is in a time of great need. But I know and believe He is there. There are days like today...where feeling His strong arms around me, would lighten the load. For I walk by faith and not by sight...
Here is an interesting thought...Most of us don't really have a great self-esteem. But if we have a variety of self-protection strategies to protect our heart...then truly we do care...we love ourselves to protect ourselves would not be so.
Deep thuoghts! I am going to enjoy reading your thoughts for sure:o). (yes it is I "Chronic Bear) Happy to see that you are still alive and well on planet earth!!
Hi Tammy....I am alive and well...though going through a big season of change! Glad to catch your blog too! Of course you know it was Cheryl who started me on this!
Bless you
Self-Protection is an interesting topic and your insight reveals revelation into some of the deeper conections. God is always near - nearer than we realize most of the time.
We can't always avoid pain - it's part of life. He sees us through the hard times - as a Father watching over His child on a new venture. Since He knows what's around the next corner, He also knows when He needs to step in and when to let us develop and grow through our circumstances.
Keep walking with Him - He won't let you down!
Cheryl Bear
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